Pumpkin Spice Preemie Hat

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I’m pretty sure that in the US, during the month of October, you’re now legally required to preface all nouns with the words “pumpkin spice.”

So, here is my pumpkin spice pattern for a pumpkin spice hat for little pumpkin spice babies.

It’s a quick, easy, adorable little (pumpkin spice) hat.  You can make it with “pumpkin spice” yarn, if you can find some.  I used plain, boring “Pumpkin.”  I also tried “Carrot,” which is probably a violation of the laws of holiday spirit.

Sizes 23 weeks through 3 months

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What Do You Do With Yarn Cakes?


Once upon a time, I was at a craft store and bought one of those yarn cakes.  They are so popular I wanted to give one a try.  And the colors were pretty.  I’m a sucker for blues.


I brought the yarn cake home and it sat in a prominent place in my yarn closet.

What are you supposed to make with these things, anyway?

The weeks turned into months before I picked it up, determined to use it.

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