Baby Quilt

Last week I came across this almost-finished quilt.  When I was pregnant with Miss C. I became fascinated with quilting and started a simple quilt with pre-cut 5″ squares and a 5″ border.  I’m not sure what distracted me, but I put it down when it just needed the quilting and the edging done and then forgot about it.

It’s done now!


I personalized it on the back with a fabric marker.  I’ll give it to her at Christmas because it just makes sense.

I’m not a skilled quilter by any means, but the cat approves.  In fact, he has offered to take the quilt if Miss C. doesn’t like it.


Last Minute Holiday Treats


I like to give homemade treats for the holidays.  I get the cute little tins and fill them with goodies.  This year the kids handed some out to our whole neighborhood of 2 dozen houses, plus teachers, friends, the mailman, and even our pediatrician’s office.

It’s nice to have a variety of treats, but it’s a pain to make a large quantity of a lot of different things.  I kept it pretty easy this year.  I made some of The Best Cookies Ever.  They are a variation on spritz cookies, so they work up quickly.  If you don’t have a cookie press, you could always make the dough and then form balls and press them on to a cookie sheet with a half pecan on top.  Yum.  And then I made fudge and turtles.  The easy way.  And threw in some mints for good measure.

I’m not a food blogger or a food photographer.  I didn’t come up with either of these recipes, but they are so easy I have to share them.  Each requires only 3 ingredients and a few minutes of time and turns out beautifully.

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Baby Dino Break

I needed a break from knitting projects, so today I made this little guy (right.)  He’s hanging out with a pteranodon friend for a bit before getting shipped off as a little surprise gift.


I have no idea how I ignored this pattern for the past two years.  It’s adorable.  The sauropod (right) is 4.5 inches from the tip of the nose to the little curled tail.

The Best Christmas Stocking Ornament Ever!

Happy December!

Making my own patterns is usually involves a lot of trial and error, back tracking, and patience.  Two years ago I decided to make a stocking ornament.  I couldn’t find a pattern I liked, so I sat down to make my own.  Within 10 minutes it was done.  And it was perfect.

Okay, not really.  I had to size up the hook and modify the top, but it was still an amazing feeling to get it pretty much right on the first try!


These are easy and cheap to make.  They are nice little gifts and sell like hot cakes at craft fairs.

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