Where I Crochet


That’s 1 mile into a 2.5 mile woods trail near our home.  I take the two little ones while the older three are in school.  Miss C sits in the stroller parked next to me while Little A throws pebbles into the water and I crochet a few tiny hats.  And then we finish our walk.

I often get asked how I find the time to crochet while taking care of five young children.  I have a two part answer.  First, I don’t clean as often as I should.  Second, I don’t have a smartphone.  That pretty much covers it.

Donation A Day: Oct 9-16

I forgot to take a picture everyday of what I had made, so here is the whole bunch together.


The pink and yellow set is very special.  It was made in honor of a friend’s daughter, Jessica, who was stillborn at 26 weeks.  Her mother chose the colors.  It is sized for a 26-28 week baby and will be donated in her memory.

A Rainbow of Hats

I was going to try to do this donation a day project only using yarn from my stash (my enormous, fills my walk-in closet, stash) but I have mostly bulky yarn.  Bulky yarn doesn’t work well for tiny projects.  I bought a skein each of white, baby blue, baby pink, and cream in light weight.  I have been using that for the bonnets.  But the colors have been getting boring.

I have always loved tiny things, and every time I passed the packages of yarn bonbons in the store I wanted to buy them.  I showed a level of self control not in evidence with the rest of my stash and never bought them, until yesterday.


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