
I have a yarn problem.   This is the back wall of my walk-in closet.  There are 30 1-square-foot cubbies on the back wall.  There are another 26 cubbies below the clothes along the sides of the closet.  Most of those 56 cubbies are packed full of yarn.  And there is a shelf above the clothes with more yarn.


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Knitting with Dowels and Pencils


When I leave the house, I always have a yarn project with me in case I end up with a few free minutes.  At school pick-up the other week I found myself with 10 minutes and a ball of yarn and no crochet hook or knitting needles.  Oops.  It started me thinking, and I decided to see whether I could make my own knitting needles.  They are just pointed bits of wood.  It couldn’t be too tough.

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Inchworm, Jay, Moose, Newt, and Skunk

I is for Inchworm

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J is for Jay

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M is for Moose.  This moose is from a photograph of a moose I took on my honeymoon in Nova Scotia, Canada.  It was the first moose my husband ever saw.  We saw another half dozen later that evening, but this one was enormous.

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N is for Newt.  The fabric really made this one.  It is a Red Eft (juvenile Eastern Newt) and they are bright orange with spots

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and S is for Skunk

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I have started skipping around a little bit to be more efficient.  If I have black thread in the machine, I might as well so a bunch of black areas on a bunch of pages.

2017 Garden Planning!

It’s the new year, and that means I get to plan my new garden!

I like the heirloom mini varieties of tomatoes and peppers.  I just ordered seeds from Baker Creek and Totally Tomatoes.  I kind of went overboard and have to find room for 12 varieties of mini peppers (two of which are hot at my husband’s request) and 13-15 varieties of cherry/grape/currant tomatoes.  It’s about comparable to the number of plants we grew last year, but I have more varieties this year.  Fortunately, I’m also planning to double the size of the garden, although the new area won’t quite get full sun.

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