October NICU Donations

Last October I put together a large box of hats and blankets and sent it to a hospital.  They used the hats and blankets for babies who were stillborn and for preemies in their NICU.  A few months later, I sent another box of hats.

Whenever the mood hits me, I make a little hat or blanket.  I finally filled another large box.  Before sending it to the hospital, I took pictures.


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What Do You Do With Yarn Cakes?


Once upon a time, I was at a craft store and bought one of those yarn cakes.  They are so popular I wanted to give one a try.  And the colors were pretty.  I’m a sucker for blues.


I brought the yarn cake home and it sat in a prominent place in my yarn closet.

What are you supposed to make with these things, anyway?

The weeks turned into months before I picked it up, determined to use it.

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A Single Rose

Sometimes you have to drop all of your projects to make something important.  My family is totally fine, but this is a sad post.


On Tuesday, a couple in my small town lost their newborn son.  He was their first child and they went home to an empty house.

The town has rallied around them, and although I haven’t met the couple, I wanted to do something.  Their story hit me hard.  We came awfully close to losing our first son at delivery.

I thought about past conversations I have had with two friends whose daughters were stillborn, and decided to crochet a white rose, just opening.  It seems like an appropriate symbol, and it will last forever.

When the fresh flowers, homemade dinners, cards, and visitors are gone, the rose will still be blooming.  When years have passed and they feel that the rest of the world has forgotten their loss, the rose will still be blooming.  It will last as long as their love for their son.

And tomorrow is Mother’s Day.

Donation A Day: Oct 9-16

I forgot to take a picture everyday of what I had made, so here is the whole bunch together.


The pink and yellow set is very special.  It was made in honor of a friend’s daughter, Jessica, who was stillborn at 26 weeks.  Her mother chose the colors.  It is sized for a 26-28 week baby and will be donated in her memory.